Employer competence expectations induced by innovation-driven development
innovation, employer competence expectations, competence mix, success criteriaAbstract
Technological changes, globalising competition and the need for more strategic human resource management have led to an increased role for competences. In a globalising economy, the key to competitiveness and success (harnessing intellectual capital to achieve organisational goals) is knowledge, the most important asset of 21st century organisations and the foundation for long-term success. Competence is an individual's intellectual asset, a source of power that guarantees the attainment of desirable positions. In our changing world, higher education institutions are increasingly expected to equip their students with the skills they need to succeed in the world of work. However, there is no consensus on identifying the competences that the labour market needs. In our paper, we interpreted the concept of competences and collected the competences that employers consider most important. We presented the results related to the digital competencies of the employees separately. The literature does not provide an ideal „mix of competences for employees”, as the main activity, sector and culture of the employer organisation have a strong influence on the knowledge and skills expected from employees. Labour market research on the success criteria for future workers has so far identified 6 groups of competences: personal competences for independent work, social competences, professional competences, learning competences, problem-solving competences and digital competences. From the literature review, we may state that higher education institutions need to shift from a strongly knowledge-centred education to a competency-based education. It has also been proven that because of technological changes, on the one hand, employers' needs for competent specialists expand, and on the other hand, there is a need for a significant transformation of companies, which in turn prompts employers to rethink and significantly change the organization and management of human resources.
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