Methodological Research in Education of Economics




education, economics, methodological research, attitude, motivation, questionnaire


The social and economic relevance of economics education is highly multifaceted, with key aspects including economic awareness, an innovative entrepreneurial spirit, and a global and sustainable perspective. Understanding how the economy functions, including the effects of supply and demand, financial policies, and global economic events, enables individuals to become citizens that are more informed and better equipped to manage economic challenges. Acquiring financial and economic knowledge at a young age is crucial for developing the ability to manage finances responsibly, think critically, and navigate adult life successfully. Education, specifically the teaching-learning process, plays a pivotal role in shaping the knowledge and motivation with which the future generation enters the labour market. Economic methodological studies, through analysis and modelling, contribute to more effective, well-founded decision-making, which ultimately fosters socio-economic development and improves production efficiency. This publication explores the learning attitudes of various age groups involved in economic vocational training. A questionnaire, based on the learning attitude method developed by Bernáth et al., was administered to randomly selected students in 9th and 12th grades. The questionnaire consists of 31 questions, grouped into six motivational categories: further education, validation, higher education; interest and research; immersion and persistent work; achieving good grades; taking a proper position in class; and family rewards. To analyse the empirical data, frequency analysis, central tendency, and a two-sample t-test were applied. Pre-testing was conducted for the two-sample t-test, and calculations were performed at a 5% significance level. The results indicate that both 9th and 12th grade students display highly heterogeneous attitudes towards learning. Significant differences in learning motivation were identified within individual grades, with even more pronounced differences between 9th and 12th grade students. Statistically significant differences were found in the motivations related to further education, achievement, immersion in work, and class position between the two grades. These findings suggest that different motivations emerge at various stages of personal development, particularly concerning continuing education and persistent learning. Research results reveal that analysing learning attitudes assists organisations in identifying their knowledge base and optimising its use. Facilitating knowledge sharing enhances production efficiency, while higher motivation improves performance, directly impacting organisational effectiveness.

Author Biographies

Tímea Makszim Györgyné Nagy, University of Nyíregyháza


László Zsigmond Hegedüs, University of Nyíregyháza



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Economics and management